Pets: Paw (Irish Terrier)
Hobbies: Cooking, traveling, golfing, & spending time with friends.
Hot Take: Going to bed early is cool.
Pets: Charlie (Super Mutt)
Hobbies: Riding and working on motorcycles & Jeeps, fishing, & having fun with friends.
Hot Take: These aren't cuff links, these are curb feelers.
Pets: Porter (Golden Labradoodle)
Hobbies: I love to play golf, travel, and go hiking!
Hot Take: Ranch dressing is disgusting.
Pets: Kira (Shiba Inu)
Hobbies: Hanging out with family and anything outside!
Hot Take: It's not hard to be nice!
Pets: Punkin (my cat)
Hobbies: I enjoy camping, coffee, family, and music!
Hot Take: Decaf coffee is a waste!
Pets: Fergus (my Super-mutt sweetheart)
Hobbies: Reading, hiking, photography, and traveling to distant lands.
Hot take: It's called a bubbler. You can't change me.
Pets: No pets at the moment! I grew up with a Jack Russell Terrier and a Toy Poodle, both named Bandit. I've also had two parakeets called Bonnie & Clyde!
Hobbies: Spending time with family, trying new restaurants, and exploring the outdoors.
Hot take: It's soda, not pop.
Pets: One kitty.
Hobbies: Spending time with family, hunting, fishing, and vehicles!
Hot Take: Chevy is better than Ford!
Hobbies: Snacking, tinkling, theft
Hot take: Peeing every 20 minutes is normal.
Life motto: I didn't steal it, I was just holding it for you!
Hobbies: Swimming, walking, snuggles with Mom
Hot take: Being a mama's boy never goes out of style.
Life motto: If you bark enough, you'll get what you want.
Hobbies: Stick munching and playing wif all my fur-ends at daycare
Hot take: Hats are objectively scary. Why do hoomans wear them?
Life motto: Cheez makes da world a better place.
Hobbies: Chasing squirrels and birds
Hot take: The blinds AREN'T for chewing?
Life motto: Charlie Bear don't care.
Hobbies: Sunbathing, birdwatching, stroller walks, and terrorizing squirrels
Hot take: Dogs aren't so bad after all!
Life motto: Water tastes better from the bathroom sink.